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1379《人文英语 3》开放大学期末考试笔试 机考题库


适用:【笔试 机考】【课程号:04015】

总题量(333): 写作题(24) 交际用语(60) 词汇与语法(185) 阅读理解(单选)(15) 阅读理解(判断)(21) 翻译题(27) 阅读填空题(1)


1、Advantages and Disadvantages of Formal E...

2、Angela is ill, and her colleagues are wr...

3、Describe the following case and the crim...

4、Jason has been studying in The Open Univ...

5、My Experience in Learning English

6、My holiday life(我的假期生活)

7、My learning Experience in OUC(我在开放大...

8、Nick was ill for two days. His mother, N... 9、Nick was ill for two days. His mother, N... 10、Who Has the Greatest Influence on Me

11、Write a passage about an important perso...

12 、 Write a passage about an incident you' v... 13、Write a passage about important person w... 14、Write a passage about the importance of ... 15、Write a passage about your dreams or goa... 16 、 Write a passage of no less than 100 word... 17、Write a speech about the topic of saving...

18、Write a speech about the topic of saving...

19、根据写作要求,写出一篇作文(What are the adv...



22、写一篇有关你的梦想或目标的作文。(My dream...



1、Advantages and Disadvantages of Formal Education

The advantages of formal education are self-evident. First, the students have regular classes, and they meet teachers and clas*ates every day. Therefore, when they have difficulty in learning ,they can discuss with their clas*ates or turn to their teachers for help. Second, the students can attend different activities to enrich their life, which helps students develop their friendship. Third, the students can borrow books from the library. However, the disadvantages of formal education are undeniable. First, the cost of the formal education is high. Second the formal education is not as flexible as open education. Third, the students don’t have much choice because everything is set beforehand.

The formal education’s advantages and disadvantages are shown clearly to us. I think we should make good use of advantages. On the whole, the advantages of formal education outweigh the disadvantages of formal education.

【译文】正规教育的好处不言而喻。首先,学生有规律的上课, 每天都会见到老师和同学。因此,当他们学习有困难时,可以与同学讨论或向老师求助。其次,学生可以参加不同的活动来丰富他们的生活,这有助于学生发展友谊。第三,学生可以从图书馆借书。然而,正规教育的弊端是不可否认的。首先,正规教育的成本很高。其次,正规教育不如开放教育灵活。第三,学生没有太多选择,因为一切都是事先设定好的。

正规教育的优点和缺点都清楚地显示在我们面前。我认为我们应该善用优势。总体而言,正规教育的优势大于正规教育的劣势。2、Angela is ill, and her colleagues are writing a get-well card for her.(安吉拉病了,她的同事正在为她写一张康复卡。)

Angela is ill, and her colleagues are writing a get-well card for her. Put the following sentences in the right order to form a proper get-well card. Then copy the sentences on the letter paper below.

Dear Angela,

【题目翻译】安吉拉病了,她的同事正在为她写一张康复卡。 将下列句子按正确顺序排列,形成一张正确的康复卡。 然后抄写下面信纸上的句子。



We’re sorry you haven’t been feeling well and we miss you at the office. Make sure you eat all your chicken soup, drink all your orange juice, and get the rest you need so you can get better soon. It’ll be great to see your *iling face again. We hope you enjoy the crossword puzzle. Take care.

Carol, Doris, Elsa


很抱歉您一直感觉不舒服,我们在办公室想念您。 确保你吃完所有的鸡汤,喝完所有的橙汁,然后得到你需要的休息,这样你就能很快好起来。 很高兴再次看到你的笑脸。 我们希望您喜欢填字游戏。 小心。


3、Describe the following case and the criminal suspect according to the noticein about 100 words.

Describe the following case and the criminal suspect according to the noticein about 100 words.


Crime: robbery Victim: a young man

Time: at about 11. 00 p.m. last Saturday Place: on the 6th Street

Loss: a handbag with a computer, mobile phone, his passport and something else Appearance of the suspect: short, slim; long, big face, big eyes with cruel eyesight; long, dirty fingernails; wear a worn jacket, a pair of jeans and trainers

Anyone with info.: contact 110 at anytime Reward: RMB 5,000.

根据通知中的描述,描述以下案件和犯罪嫌疑人约 100 字。通缉



时间:大约晚上 11 点 上个星期六地点:第六街

丢失:一个装有电脑,*,护照和其他东西的手提包犯罪嫌疑人的外观:矮小,苗条; 长长的大脸,大眼睛,残酷的视力; 指甲长而脏; 穿破旧的外套,牛仔裤和运动鞋

有信息的人:随时联系 110

奖励:人民币 5,000 元。答案参考:

Wanted criminal

At about 11.00 p.m. last Saturday, there was a robbery on the 6th street. At that time, a young man was robbed by another man, and he lost a handbag with a computer, mobile phone and his passport. According to victim description, the wanted criminal was short and slim, and his face was long and big. He has big eyes with cruel eyesight, long and dirty fingernails. And he wore a worn jacket, a pair of jeans and trainers. If you would see someone like that description, you contact 110 at any time. The reward is RMB 5000.

[译文:下午 11:00 左右 上星期六,第六街发生了抢劫案。 当时,一个年轻人被另一个人抢劫,他丢了一个手提包,里面有电脑,*和护照。 根据受害者的描述,通缉犯又矮又苗条,脸又长又大。 他的大眼睛有残酷的视力,指甲又长又脏。 他穿着一件破旧的外套,一条牛仔裤和运动鞋。如果您看到类似说明的人, 则可以随时联系 110。 奖励为 5000 元人民币。]

4、Jason has been studying in The Open University (OUC) for two years.

He's been doing well in most of the course work. Suppose you are Jason , and write a passage with the title

"My learning experience in OUC". You may use the following hints:

(1)How does J ason make good use of the online learning platform?

(2)How does Jason ask for help from his clas*ates?

(3)Jason's advice to others who want to follow a course in OUC. (答案略)

5、My Experience in Learning English

Learning English is a very painful experience for me. At the very beginning, I couldn’t understand what the teacher said in class. Whenever I tried my best to speak English in class, I would be laughed by my clas*ates, so I was afraid to speak in public. But I know English is a global language. It will enhance my chances of getting a job. It will benefit me immensely if I can speak English. I must master it. I realized the best way to improve my English is to study hard. So I took lots of notes in Class. I tried to talk to the teacher as much as possible. I kept Listing to English articles and reading every day. To my great joy, I can speak fluent English now .The experience is painful but also helpful.

【译文】学习英语对我来说是一个非常痛苦的经历。一开始,我听不懂老师在课堂上说了什么。每当我在课堂上尽力说英语时, 都会被同学们嘲笑,所以我害怕在公共场合说话。但我知道英语是一种全球语言。这将增加我找到工作的机会。如果我会说英语, 我会受益匪浅。我必须掌握它。我意识到提高英语的最好方法就是努力学习。所以我在课堂上做了很多笔记。我试图尽可能多地与老师交谈。我每天都在列出英文文章和阅读。令我高兴的是, 我现在可以说一口流利的英语了。这种经历是痛苦的,但也很有帮助。

6、My holiday life(我的假期生活) My holiday life

Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.



7、My learning Experience in OUC(我在开放大学学习)

My learning Experience in OUC

I have been studying in the Open University for two years and doing well in most of my course work. Here, I will tell you some of my learning experience.

I make good use of the OUC's online learning platform. It covers the online courses of almost every subject, like Computer Science, English for the Humanities, etc. On the platform, I watch short videos, read teaching materials, take quizzes, and receive homework. I can learn anytime and anywhere.

When I have trouble teaching myself, I can join online groups to exchange questions and answers with my clas*ates. Teachers also answer questions there. Sometimes we talk on a *art phone using QQ and WeChat.

If you want to follow a course in OUC, you should also make good use of the learning platform, then you will have a happy and successful student life.

我在开放大学学习了两年,大部分课程都学得很好。在这里, 我将告诉你一些我的学习经验。


当我在自学上遇到困难时,我可以加入在线小组,与同学交流问题和答案。老师们也在那里回答问题。有时我们通过智能*用 QQ微信聊天。

如果你想在 OUC 学习一门课程,你也应该好好利用这个学习平台, 那么你就会有一个快乐和成功的学生生活。

8、Nick was ill for two days. His mother, Nancy Hill, is writing an absence excuse

Nick was ill for two days. His mother, Nancy Hill, is writing an absence excuse

letter to his teacher, Ms. Shirley Hudson. Help Nancy to write the letter. You may use the following hints.

(1)Nick 是哪个班的学生,什么时间请假,什么原因,是否有证据



Dear ms.Shirley Hudson:

Hello, teacher, I'm the mother of Nick Nancy Hill.I'm writing to you today to take three days off for Nick 。 He had a cold last night.I took him to see the doctor this morning, and the doctor thought he needed a rest.I hope you forgive Nick for not going to class。And ask the school to get in touch with me。

Nancy Hill

9、Nick was ill for two days. His mother, Nancy Hill, is writing an absence excuse letter to his teacher, Ms. Shirley Hudson. Help Nancy complete the letter.


June 23, 2018

Dear Ms. Shirley Hudson,

I, Nancy Hill, am the mother of Nick who studies in Class 2 of Grade

5. I request you to excuse him for not attending school on June 21, 2018 and June 22, 2018, as he was advised(被建议) strict rest by our doctor, Dr. Carter, after a high fever(高烧).

I will make sure he completes the studies that he missed(错过,漏掉) in the two days. Also attached for your reference(附上…供您参考) is the doctor’s certificate(医生证明). Please feel free to contact me for any questions that you may have regarding this matter.

Thank you. Sincerely, Nancy Hill

Nick’s mother


我,南希·希尔,是尼克的母亲,他在五年级二班学习。我请求您原谅他在 2018 年 6 月 21 日和 2018 年 6 月 22 日没有上学,因为我们的医生卡特医生建议他在高烧后要严格休息。


10、Who Has the Greatest Influence on Me

My parents given me the most influence in my life. I believe I have the best parents in the world.

My parents are always there when I am at the bottom of my game, and they always back me up on the decisions I make even though I don't chose the wisest path to take. They love me and they will always be my hero.

When I was three years old, they were told that I had a learning disability. People said that I had problems learning and comprehending things; that I was slow. My parents rejected that diagnosis and said that all I needed was some motivation. They motivated me to work to the best of my ability. Now my ability is much better than before.

With out my parents, I would have been treated like I was slow for the rest of my life. With out my parents' motivation, I wouldn't be where I am now academically. I have the best parents in the world.




当我 3 岁时,他们被告知我有学习障碍,人们说我在学习和理解事物方面有问题; 我太慢了。我的父母拒绝了对我的诊断,说




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