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We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping these days.

Some students think it's very convenience for us to go shopping on the internet.The shop on Internet for example taobao.Com and 360buy.Con are open for almost 24 hours a day so we can buy something we want at time if we like.

What's more,we needn't to wait in a queue.However,some students disagree with them.We can't see the things while we are shopping online,so we are not sure whether they are good or not.Besides,we can't enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.



Dear Jane,My parents are going to hold a birthday party for me at18:00 on May 29*(Sunday)at home.Will you be free and come to my party?I'11 be very happy if you are.Besides.Tom,Maryand some other clas*ates are coming too.

You may take bus No.2 to Qing street and walk straight about 20 meters.There you will see a drug store.At the cornerof it,turn right and get into a very narrow path and look for Bei jing No.10.That's my home.We'11 wait for you there.Please call me before the date,if you can not come.I can't wait for get-together.Yours,LI Yuan


你(LiYuan)的美国朋友Harry 在最近的e-mai1中提到要带他的父母来华旅游,他们计划去黄山。给他回一封e-mail,内容包括:1.欢迎他的父母来中国2.建议可行路线及交通方式3.提醒一些必要的旅行准备(如衣服、药品...)4.推荐1至2处其他景点 Dear Harry, I'm so excited to hear that you are coming to China and to go to the Huang Mountains together with your parents. It's a good season for it.I'm sure you'11 love it. Do remember bringing thick chothes with you since the top of the mountain is chilly.

I hope you will stay in Beijing for a couple of days since you have to stop in Beijing anyway, and then take the train to the Huang Mountains.I can company you here to visit the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and the Summer Palace, which you longed to visit to improve your knowledge about Chinese history.Please pass my words to your parents.I couldn't wait to meet them.

Yours, Li Yuan

wap地址: https://m.xueli.cn/newsdetail/55989.html
